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Do you know about the Occupational Health and Safety Program?

When the subject is safety and health at work, we are referring to a set of measures that must be adopted by companies in order to preserve the worker's well-being and protect their lives from possible accidents in the work environment. Seeking to adopt safe practices, with the creation of more appropriate and orientative methodologies as to the mandatory compliance with the Regulatory Norms.

The PSST (Programa de Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho) aims at a deep analysis of occupational and occupational diseases. Going much further, it also concerns the preservation of the worker's quality of life, considering their physical, mental, and social health.

Programa de Saúde e Segurança do trabalho

In view of this, scientific studies prove that through the performance of the Occupational Health and Safety Program the company/institution guarantees a series of advantages, such as:

- Reduction of work accident risks;

- Promotion of a more ergonomically adequate environment;

- Reducing the cases of occupational diseases;

- Establishment of better physical and psychological working conditions for employees;

- Increased quality of life in the work environment, and with it, greater productivity on the part of employees.

GLOBALBLUE has been following the regulatory changes that will come into force from August 2021, through Decree 6,730 of March 09, 2020, which approved the wording of NR-1 and Decree 6,735 of March 10, 2020 that gave new wording to NR-9, occurring significant changes with the extinction of the PPRA and the creation of PGR.

This is because, currently, the main document for the development of safety measures in the company is the Program for the Prevention of Environmental Risks - PPRA, whose realization and implementation are mandatory according to Regulatory Norm - NR9. This is an instrument of great importance and observance for safety in the workplace, which brings recommendations for the prevention of environmental risks in each department of the company, including physical, chemical, and biological agents.

However, as of 2021 the Environmental Risk Prevention Program - PPRA will be extinct, to be replaced by the Risk Management Program - PGR.

What is the Risk Management Program - RMP?

The Risk Management Program - PGR will now encompass and manage all occupational risks existing in the work environment, including ergonomic and mechanical risks, and not only the physical, chemical and biological risks observed by PPRA.

Among significant changes, it brought the reduction of costs and deadlines, that is, unlike the PPRA that requires an annual update, the PGR has a longer period of two years and, for companies that have certifications in occupational health and safety management system, the period can extend up to three years.

Moreover, the classification of risks was one of the positive points. This is because in the PPRA, risks were usually identified, recognized, and evaluated. However, no classification was performed in order to detect the degree of the identified risks.

Unlike the new procedure adopted by the RMP, which in addition to the identification, should indicate the level of occupational risk, determined by the indication of possible injuries or health hazards with probability or chance of occurrence.

The main objective of the Risk Management Policy - RMP is to define how the risk management activities will be conducted, i.e., to inform which measures will be adopted by the company to deal with the possible threats or injuries that may arise as a result of each activity. Moreover, mechanisms of how it will be executed, monitored and controlled, from planning to execution.

In summary, the RMP will require the creation of the occupational risk inventory and action plan as indispensable documents for risk management.

Risk inventory: Document in which all risks and hazards present in the work environment must be described. Making clear the information of the activities performed, the dangers and possible injuries or worsening to the employee's health, data from the preliminary analysis or monitoring of exposures to physical, chemical and biological agents, as well as the result of the ergonomic assessment, risks, including classification for the preparation of the action plan.

Action plan: Based on the information collected in the risk inventory, the action plan must contain control measures to minimize, control, and eliminate the risks existing in the work environment.

Given the significant changes, the GLOBALBLUE, with guidance and support of legally qualified professional in safety and health at work and integration of each department of the company, adopted a plan of action, through the creation of risk management policy, as the Program for Risk Management - PGR giving it the purpose for which it is intended.

As can be seen, the Occupational Health and Safety Program plays a fundamental role in the company. Given the reasons and benefits already presented, GLOBALBLUE developed methodologies through training and periodic internal campaigns, in order to train and raise awareness of its employees from preventive measures to the proper use of each individual equipment - PPE for greater safety in the execution of the activity.

Seeking to ensure the integrity of the condominiums under its management and emphasize the importance of observing the NR by the telecom operators during the provision of services in which compliance is required, GLOBALBLUE created a communication channel with the operators and telecom service providers in order to raise awareness about the duty of compliance with the applicable regulatory standards during the execution of the activity, whether it is installation or maintenance, guiding their customers / condominiums, through newsletters on the measures adopted for better understanding on the subject.


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